Alwin John
- April 19, 2021
How to take a Snapshot of a disk in Microsoft Azure.
- Login to Azure portal.
- Click on All Services
- Select Snapshots Service.
- Click on Create.
- On the Basics Tab, Enter the following options:-
- Subscription: An Azure subscription grants you access to Azure services.
- Resource group name: A resource group is a collection of resources.
- Name: Enter the Snapshot name.
- Select Region: The Azure region into which the resource should be deployed.
Snapshot Type
- Full – make a complete read-only copy of the selected disk.
- Incremental – save on storage costs by making a partial copy of the disk based on the difference between the last snapshot.
Source disk: Select the disk to use for creating this snapshot.
Storage type : will be set automatically based on the source disk.
Now, Click on Next Encryption.
- In Encryption Tab, Select the Encryption type for Snapshot.
- Select (Default).
- Next click on Networking.
- On Networking tab select the Network Connectivity method, If you want your disk will be public then select public endpoint otherwise select private endpoint.
- Next Click on Tags.
- On Tags Tab, Enter the tag name and value for Snapshot.
- Next Click on Review.
- On Review + Create Tab,
- If you get a message “Validation passed”.
- Then click on Create.
- After some time, depending on the size of the disk, you will see a message as “Your deployment is ready”.
- Click on “Go to resources” & You can see that the snapshot is there with the name we provide.