Nikhil Bhaskar
- May 1, 2021
How to create a new partition and parted it in linux based system
In this blog we learn about how to create an new partition in our linux system and parted the new partition so that we use it.
Step 1: We have to check how much disk space is currently available and to check the same we need to run a command on terminal.
Step 2: If the space is available now will create a new partition.
sudo fdisk /dev/sda
Press m for help and available options.
After that Press p to the list of available partitions.
After that press n to create new partition and then select the type of partition.
Then select the number of the partition and then provide the size of the partition in format of +mb. Then again print the table of the partitions.
After creation of new partition press w to apply the changes.
step 3: Now run the command to check if the new partitions is reflecting.
Step 4: And the final step to parted the new partition so that we can use or access the new partition.
sudo parted /dev/sdb
Type help for the further preference.
Now run mkpart and press enter and type the name or format of partition ext3 or ext4.
Now provide the size of partition in mb at start and End option.
After that types yes and press enter.
Now print the table of the new parted partition and then type quit and press enter button.
Now you can start using new added space.