Nikhil Bhaskar
- May 16, 2021
To Understand the architecture of Linux based operating systems.
Let start the learning and understand of file system.
system root directory. first major section of file system
boot file, kernel etc
contains special/device files like /dev/zero, /dev/null, /dev/tty
configuration files
user home directory. For example “nitin” user will have /home/nitin, “anshika” user will have /home/anshika
root user’s home directory.
mount point for removable media such as dvd, cdrom, usb drive
temporarily mounted filesystems.
contains security enhanced linux filesystem
installing additional software. suppose you wan to install “oracle”, it should be installed here.
Virtual file system. It holds memory, process, kernel information
essential binaries available to all users i.e root as well as normal users like “ls”, “mv”, “cp”, “date” etc
essential system binaries available to root only such as “fdisk”, “mount” etc
non essential binaries available to all users such as “passwd”
non essential system binaries available to root only such as “useradd”, “userdel”, “usermod”.
non essential binaries available to all users by locally installed packages
non essential system binaries available to root user by locally installed packages
essential libraries for the binaries in /bin/ and /sbin
libraries for the binaries in /usr/bin/ and /usr/sbin/.
site-specific data which is served by the system.
Temporary files often lost during reboot
temporary files to be preserved between reboots.
holds NIS database
read only user data. second major section of filesystem
local hierarchy. third major section of file system
standard include files.
architecture-independent data.
manual pages ie when we run command “man ls” it picks information from this directory.
words used in system
source code
configuration for X windows system
for files where data is continuously changing such as logs, spool files, and temporary e-mail files. the data for
apache web server is kept in “/var/www/html” & for vsftpd ftp server in “/var/ftp/pub”
lock files. Files keeping track of resources currently in use.
various log files
contains user mailboxes
Information about the running system since last boot, e.g., currently logged-in users and running daemons.
spool for tasks waiting to be processed, e.g., print queues and unread mail.
We’ve seen architecture of linux file system and also whats the use of directories and file system.