Nikhil Bhaskar
- May 23, 2021
How to use cat utilty in Linux
cat is a standard Unix utility that reads files sequentially, writing them to standard output. cat (short for “concatenate“) command is one of the most frequently used command in Linux/Unix like operating systems. It allow us to create single or multiple files view contain in file..
Uses of cat command
Task: user “nitin” have created 1 new file “file1” in his home directory now how can he access this file with the use of cat utility.
$ cat file1
(relative path to access the file. this will work only if you & the file both are at same place)
$ cat /home/nitin/file1
(absolute path. this will always work if you have the permissions to access the file)
$ cat $HOME/file1
($HOME variable will get substituted by value “/home/nitin”)
$ cat $PWD/Sample/Sample/file1
($PWD variable will get substituted by value “/home/nitin”)
$ cat ~/Sample/Sample/file1
(~ abbreviation will get expanded to value “/home/nitin”)
$ cat ~nitin/Sample/Sample/file1
(~nitin means home dir of nitin that is “/home/nitin”)
$ cat . /Sample/Sample/file1
( . denotes current working directory which in our case is “/home/nitin”).
Now we got 2 files “file1” , “file2”. and needs to put contents in both files to 3rd file “file3” and also needs to count the no. of users logged in.
$ cat file1 file2 > file3
(we are redirecting (> is redirection symbol) the output to “file3” instead of screen)
$ who | wc -l
(“who” display information about each user on separate line & “wc -l” counts no. of lines. Now most critical thing is to understand that when we should use redirection symbol (“>”, “|”).
requirement symbol example
sending output to a <command> | who | wc -l, cal 2010 |more
sending output to a <file> > cat file1 file2 >file3
$ who | wc -l > users
(we are chaining the commands to get some useful information. Here we are redirecting the output
to “wc -l” command ( using “|”) & sending the result to file “users” (using “>”)).
$ cat file1 file2 | tee file4
We have seen multiple ways to access the content of files with the use of cat utility with different parameters.