shivani singh
- August 20, 2021
13 Steps Guide to Create Kubernetes Cluster on AWS
Kubernetes is a free & open-source service. It is used for automation deployment, scaling, and containerized applications management. It is also Known as K8s.Using Kubernetes cluster, we can create a number of nodes that run containerized applications.
There are some steps to create kubernetes cluster on aws:
Step 1: Login to aws portal.
Step 2: Click on Services.
Step 3: Select Elastic Kubernetes Services.
Step 4:Provide the Cluster Name & Click on Next step.
Step 5: Select Kubernetes version.
Step 6:Create a IAM Role for cluster service.Click on IAM console.
- Click on Create Role.
- Select EC2.
- Click on EKS.
- Select EKS-Cluster.
- Click on Next: Permissions.
- Check the Attached permission policies.
- Click on Next Tags.
- Provide the Key name & value for IAM role.
- Click on Next: Review.
- Provide the Role name.
- Click on Create Role.
- Then,select created IAM Role.
Step 7: Click on Add Tag & provide the Tag key name & value.Click on Next.
Step 8: Select the existing VPC & Subnets.
Step 9: Select existing security group.
Step 10: Select Cluster Endpoint access : Public ,Private or Both.
Step 11: Select Amazon VPC CNI version.
- Select CoreDNS version & Kube-proxy version.
- Click on Next.
- Enable the Required logs & send to cloudwatch.
- Click on Next.
Step 12: Review the configurations.
- Click on create.
Step 13: After sometimes,Kubernetes cluster has been Active.
Create Kubernetes cluster using Shell
- Setup aws-cli on your system so click on link
- Configure the aws using aws configure command then provide Access,Secret key,region & default output format.
- Install eksctl on system so click on link how to install eksctl on ubuntu.
- Run the following command to craete cluster.
Create Cluster
eksctl create cluster –name=eksdemo1 \
–region=us-east-1 \
–zones=us-east-1a,us-east-1b \
# Get List of clusters
eksctl get cluster