- September 6, 2021
How to Create Elastic Container Service on Amazon Web Service
aws ecs create-cluster –cluster-name Cluster-nameAmazon ECS makes it easy to deploy, manage, and scale Docker containers running applications, services, and batch processes.
Amazon ECS makes it easy to use containers as a foundational building block for applications by eliminating the need for install, operate, and scale own cluster management infrastructure.
- Login to aws portal.
- Click on Services.
- Under Containers select Elastic Container Service.
- Click on Clusters.
- Click on Create Cluster.
- Select Cluster template.
- Click on Next step.
- Provide Cluster name.
- Select EC2 Instance type.
- Provide Number of instances required.
- Select EC2 AMI ID.
- Provide EBS volume size.
- Select existing key pair for ssh.
- Select default or existing VPC & subnets.
- Select existing Security group.
- Provide tag key name & value.
- Click on Create.
- After successfully ECS created click on view cluster.
- Now we can easily create Tasks & Services.
- Go to ECS console page.
- New Cluster is there with the name we provide.
Create ECS using Shell
- Setup aws-cli on your system so click on link
- Run the following command:
To create a new cluster
aws ecs create-cluster --cluster-name Cluster-name