Gaurav Batra
- September 9, 2022
Step By Step to Install & Configure OpenSSH Server & Client on windows server 2019 Base
Hello,In this blog we are discussing how to install & configure open-ssh server & how to connect open-ssh server from client server in window server 2019.OpenSSH is an open source secure shell.It provides a server daemon and client tools to facilitate secure,encrypted remote control.We can easily perform file transfer operations.
There are some steps to install & configure open-ssh server & client in window server 2019:
Install OpenSSH SSH Server on Server 2019
- Login to window server 2019 base.
- Click on Start then click on Settings.
- Click on Apps.
- In Apps & Features page,click on Manage optional features.
- In Manage optional features page,Click on “Add a feature”.
- In Add a feature page,scroll down the page.
- click on OpenSSH Server.
- Click on Install.
Configure OpenSSH on server 2019
- Click on search icon then type Services.
- Click on Services,select OpenSSH SSH Server.
- Right click on OpenSSH SSH Server,select Properties.
- On General page,By default Startup type is Manual.
- Select Automatic startup type.
- Start the OpenSSH Server Service.
- Click on start.
- Now,OpenSSH Service is started.
- Click on Apply then click on OK.
- OpenSSH SSH Server status is Running & Startup type is Automatic.
- Then,we need to Open Port Number 22 in windows firewall.Click on the following link:
Login to Client Windows Server 2019 Base
- On Client windows Server,click on Search icon then type windows powershell.
- Click on Windows PowerShell & page will open.
- Install OpenSSH Server using command.
Add-WindowsCapability -Online -Name OpenSSH.Server~~~~
- Here is the command output.
- Install OpenSSH Client:
Add-WindowsCapability -Online -Name OpenSSH.Client~~~~
- Here is the output.
- Set the Service.
Set-Service -Name sshd -StartupType ‘Automatic’
- Start the OpenSSH.
Start-Service sshd
- Here is the command output.
Login to OpenSSH Server
- Run the following command to connect with OpenSSH Server.
Syntax: ssh Administrator@Server-ip
ssh [email protected]
- Provide the OpenSSH Server Password.
- Here is the output.
- Now,Successfully connected to OpenSSH Server.