- November 30, 2022
How to Subscribe an endpoint to an Amazon SNS topic on Amazon Web Service(AWS).
Subscribes an endpoint to an Amazon SNS topic. If the endpoint type is HTTP/S or email, or if the endpoint and the topic are not in the same AWS account, the endpoint owner must run the ConfirmSubscription
action to confirm the subscription.
When we subscribe an endpoint to a topic, the endpoint begins to receive messages published to the associated topic.
- Login to aws portal.
- Click on Services.
- Under Application Integration select Simple Notification Service.
- Select Subscription.
- Click on Create Subscription.
- Select existing Topic ARN.
- Select Protocol.
- When we select Email as a protocol.
- Provide Email address that can receive notification from Amazon SNS.
- Click on Subscription filter policy. This policy filter message that a subscriber receives.
- By default Redrive policy is disable. If we needs to send undeliverable message to a dead-letter queue.
- Click on create subscription.
- After sometime Subscription created successfully.
Subscribe an endpoint to an Amazon SNS topic
- Setup aws-cli on your system so click on link
- Run the following command:
aws sns subscribe –topic-arn arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:123456789012:topic-name –protocol email –notification-endpoint [email protected]