Alwin John
- November 18, 2021
How to Create Application Insight in Microsoft Azure
Application Insights, a feature of Azure Monitor is an extensible Application Performance Management (APM) service for developers and DevOps professionals. Use it to monitor live applications. It will automatically detect performance anomalies and includes powerful analytics tools to help you diagnose issues and to understand what users actually do with your app.
It monitors:
- Performance counters from Windows or Linux server machines such as CPU, memory and network usage.
- Host diagnostics from Docker or Azure.
- Diagnostic trace logs from app so that we can correlate trace events with requests.
- Custom events and metrics that we write in client or server code to track business events such as items sold.
- Page views and load performance – reported by users’ browsers.
- Login to azure portal.
- Click on All Services.
- Select Application Insights.
- Click on Create.
- On Basics tab provide the following values:-
- Subscription: An Azure subscription grants you access to Azure services.
- Resource group name: A resource group is a collection of resources.
- Provide the application insight name.
- Select Region & Resource mode. Workspace-based resources allow to send Application Insights measure to a common Log Analytics workspace.
- Click on Tags.
- On Tags Tab provide the tag name and value for Application Insight.
- Click Next on Review + Create.
- If you get a message “Validation passed”.
- Then click on Create.
- After some time, you will see a message as “Your deployment is ready”.
- Click on “Go to resources” & You can see that the Application Insight is there with the name we provide.
- Click on New Application Insight name.
- On Overview page of Application Insight there can see monitoring graph & other configurations.
- Using Application Insight we can monitor resource group, Logs, application & other performance.