Andreas Bartel
- June 21, 2022
Steps to Launch a Window Server 2019 base Instance on Amazon Web Service(AWS).
Hello, In this Blog we are discussing about for Window Server 2019 Base.Here, we are creating a Instance using window server 2019 Base AMI.Window server is a high-performance, reliable, cost-effective, cloud computing platform.
There are some steps to create a instance on Amazon web Service(AWS).
- Go to Amazon Web Service(AWS) management console portal.
- Login to AWS Console.
- Click on Services–>click on Compute–>Select EC2.
- Click on Instances & Click on Launch Instance.
- Provide the Instance Name.
- Select Windows.
- Click on Confirm Changes.
- Then, Select Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Base.
- Next, Select Instance Type.
- Create or select existing Key Pair.
- In Network Settings,Allow RDP Traffic from anywhere,& HTTP & HTTPS traffic from the Internet.
- Now, Configure the Storage.By default,storage(volume) size is 30 GB.
- Leave the other options.
- Click on Launch Instance.
- Now. Launching the instance.
- After Sometime Successfully initialed the launch of instance.
- Now. Instance is Running mode.
Method 1: Connect to the Server using Remote Desktop File.
- Click on Connect.
- Download the Remote Desktop File.
- Click on Get Password.
- Choose the Key pair file path.
- Click on Decrypt Password.
- Password is Decrypted.
- Now,Open the Downloaded Remote Desktop File.
- Click on Yes for Accept the Certificate.
- Provide the RDP authentication credentials such as Username,Password & Domain.
- Click on OK.
- Using RDP,Server is successfully connected.
- Window Server 2019 is Ready.
Method 2: Connect to Window Server Using RDP through Remmina
- Go to Local Ubuntu machine.
- Click on Show Applications.
- Now Search Remmina.
- Click on New Connection Profile.
- Provide the required information such as Server DNS, username & password.
- Window Server 2019 Base is Ready.