How to Create Pipeline Job on Jenkins
Create new jobs/Items on Jenkins First we need to install the Jenkins on system so click on link Here Once Jenkins is installed on system. Login to Jenkins server. Provide username & password. Click on Create a jobs option. Provide item/job name. Select Pipeline. Click on Ok. Provide project …
How to Configure SSH with Jenkins
Jenkins is a Free & open-source devops tools & used for CI/CD automation application. It is written in Java language. Jenkins provides SSH plugins such as ssh, ssh agent & publish over ssh. Using ssh plugins we can configure ssh with jenkins. We needs a private key to configure ssh with jenkins. Install SSH plugins on …
How to Install Helm Kubernetes Package Manager on Ubuntu 20.04
Kubernetes supports Helm package manager. Helm is used for find, share & use application which is built for Kubernetes. It provides help to manage Kubernetes application. Now we will discuss about a helm’s few terminologies: Helm Chart: It is used for contain Information of an application which are deployed/released/installed on a Kubernetes cluster. Helm Release: …
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How to Create Elastic Container Service on Amazon Web Service
aws ecs create-cluster –cluster-name Cluster-nameAmazon ECS makes it easy to deploy, manage, and scale Docker containers running applications, services, and batch processes. Amazon ECS makes it easy to use containers as a foundational building block for applications by eliminating the need for install, operate, and scale own cluster management infrastructure. Login to aws portal. …
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Build Intentional Remote Collaboration – Like GitLab
Hello readers, In this Blog we will be taking a dive into a very promising DevOps tool known as GitLab. GitLab was initially developed as a Source Code Management(SCM) or version control solution(VCS) and was totally Open Source at that time. It was developed initially in Ruby by two Ukrainian developers in 2011. From there, …
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