Steps to Install NVM & Node on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS with Examples
NVM stands for Node Version Manager tool. Using NVM,we can install & manage multiple node.js versions in a linux system & We can also install/choose specific version of node for applications. It provides an option to auto select Node version using .nvmrc configuration file. Node.js is a JavaScript platform used for general-purpose programming. It allows …
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Steps to Setup FileZilla on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
FileZilla is a free & open source data transfer tool. Filezilla is a ftp client & used for transfer files to and from an FTP site. Using FileZilla, we can also copy, rename, and delete files on the remote FTP server. It provides multiplatform solution supported on Linux, Windows, and MacOS. It supports some protocols …
Steps to Install & Setup Eclipse IDE on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
Eclipse is a free & open source integrated development environment (IDE). It is used for JAVA application development & developing applications in various programming languages such as C, C++, Perl, PHP, Python, R,& Ruby. It is basically designed to build integrated web and application development tooling. There are some steps to install & setup Eclipse …
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7 Steps to Install & Setup Apache ActiveMQ on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
Apache ActiveMQ is a free & open source message broker tool,written in Java. It helps to send messages between different client applications, but includes additional features like STOMP, JMS, and OpenWire. It provides advanced features including message load-balancing and high-availability for data. There are some steps to install & setup Apache ActiveMQ on ubuntu: Step …
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Step by Step Guide to Install Stacer Monitoring Tool on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
Stacer is a free & open source monitoring tool.It is command line utility. It provides GUI platform to monitor & optimize Linux OS. Using Stacer, we can monitor package management, process management, Host details, CPU, Network, Disk monitoring & startup applications. It helps to monitor system resources and system cleaner to clean system caches. There …
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