Steps to Create & Configure Apache Airflow DAGs on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

Apache-Airflow is an open source workflow management tool, written in Python. It is a workflow management solutions tool &used for monitoring the workflow. Using Airflow, we can easily create own Directed Acyclic Graph (DAGS ). DAGS is used for designing a workflow. There are some steps to create Apache Airflow DAGS in Ubuntu: Step 1: …

Steps to Setup Rundeck on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

Rundeck is a free & open source application for automation services.We can easily create automation workflows from existing tools or scripts. It provides a web interface, CLI tools, and a web API to run automation tasks. Prerequisites: Ubuntu system with Sudo privileges & atleast 2 CPU. 4 GB RAM & 20 GB hard disk Java …

Steps to Install & Configure Django on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

Django is a free & open source Python Web framework tool. It is used for Building dynamic websites and applications. Using Django,we can easily create a python web application. Prerequisites: Ubuntu system with Sudo Privileges. There are some steps to Setup Django on Ubuntu: Step 1: Update the System. apt-get update Step 2: No need …

Steps to Install & Configure Flask on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

Flask is an open source micro web-based python framework. It helps users to build secure, scalable and maintainable web applications. It provides tools, libraries and technologies that allow to build a application. Prerequisites: Ubuntu system with Sudo privileges. There are some steps to setup Flask on Ubuntu: Step 1: Update the System. apt-get update Step …

Steps to Install & Configure Podman on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

Podman is a free & open source tool. It is used for developing, managing, and running containers and images. It is slimier to Docker. Using Podman, we can easily pull or push the images. It is a simple & easy-to use tool. We can easily create & run the images. The different between docker & …