Steps to Setup MERN Stack on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

Hello, In this blog we are going to discuss MERN Stack on Ubuntu. MERN is a package of JavaScript technologies that is more suitable for building dynamic JS applications. MERN Stack stands for: MongoDB, Express, React, and Node. MongoDB: It is an open-source and most widely used NoSQL & object-oriented database technology.It is used for …

Steps to Setup Alert on Virtual Machine Disk Using Agent in Microsoft Azure

Hello, Here we are discussing how to setup alert on virtual machine disk. This is a critical issue on azure because we need to install a Agent for configuration Vm disk on insights. When we enabled the insights it create a default log analytics workspace. Log analytics workspace provides a VM extension or Agent for …

Step By Step Guide to Create Docker Swarm Cluster on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

Hello, In this blog we are discussing about Docker Swarm. It is a tool used to create a docker hosts cluster. It provides a high availability and high performance cluster where applications are distributed among the hosts. Using docker swarm, we can easily increasing the number of container instance for the same application. There are …

Step By Step Guide to Use Encrypted Password in a Bash Script

Hello, Here we are discussing how to encrypt or decrypt the password & to use encrypted password in a bash script. Using Encryption method, we can converting normal message/plaintext into meaningless message/Ciphertext whereas decryption is the process of converting meaningless message/Ciphertext into its original form/Plaintext. We are using encrypted password in a bash script using …

Steps to Setup GitScrum on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

GitScrum is a free & open source project management tool. GitScrum helps to teams to use Git version control system and the Scrum framework to support for day-to-day task management. There are some steps to setup GitScrum on ubuntu: Step 1: Update the System. apt-get update Step 2: Install Apache2. apt-get install apache2 Start & …