Steps to Install R Programming Language on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

R is a free & open source programming language. It provides a free software environment that specializes in statistical computing, graphical representation & performing data analysis. There are some steps to setup R programming language on Ubuntu: Step 1: Update the System. apt-get update Step 2: Install the dependencies. apt install dirmngr gnupg apt-transport-https ca-certificates …

How to Create Cloud NAT on Google Cloud Platform

NAT enables private IP networks that use unregistered IP addresses to connect to the Internet. NAT operates on a router, usually connecting two networks together, and translates the private (not globally unique) addresses in the internal network into legal addresses, before packets are forwarded to another network.   Login to google cloud platform portal. Click …

Steps to Setup Nexus Repository Manager on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

Nexus is a free & open source repository manager. It helps to collect & manage the dependencies so that we are not constantly juggling a collection of JARs. It provides a simple way to create & distribute software. It is used to collect, retrieve, manage our artifacts. Artifacts is a place where we can store  …

Steps to Install Rudder System Configuration & Auditing Tool on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

Rudder is a free & open source IT Infrastructure Automation & Compliance (multi-platform) tool. It helps to automate system configuration across large IT infrastructures. It allows to manage and maintain production infrastructure & support different Linux operating systems including, Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, RHEL, CentOS and SUSE. It offers a set of rules that can be …

How to Install & Configure Terraform on Ubuntu

Terraform is an infrastructure as a code platform(IaaC) developed by HashiCorp. We can simply write code in the human-readable format following HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL) and deploy it to get the infrastructure in the cloud. Terraform is supported in many cloud providers like Google, Amazon, Alibaba, etc.       First, Configure azure cli on you system so …