Step By Step Guide to Create SFTP Service on AWS

SFTP stands for Secure file transfer protocol. It helps to provide a secure network for accessing, transferring and managing files on remote systems. It also called SSH File Transfer Protocol. It provide a secure connection between a sender & receiver so we can easily send/receive the data in encryption format. Prerequisite S3 bucket. SSH key …

Steps to Install mpstat Linux Network Monitoring Tool on Ubuntu

Mpstat is a free & open source linux network monitoring tool. It is used to collect & display the information of CPU usage & processor statistics. It shows all the Global Average Activity without using any options. With options, it shows the statistics ony by one that starts from 0. There are some steps to …

Steps to Setup Bmon Monitoring & Debugging Tool on Ubuntu 20.04

Bmon is a free & open source monitoring & debugging tool. It is used to monitor the network related information. It is a simple & easy to use tool & used for real-time bandwidth monitor. There are some steps to setup bmon on ubuntu: Step 1: Update the System. apt-get update Step 2: Install Bmon …

Steps to Install Saidar System Monitoring Tool on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

Saidar is a free & open source system monitoring tool. Using Saidar,we can easily monitor and view the system statistics.We can easily check CPU, processes, load, memory, swap, network I/O, disk I/O, and file system information. It is a simple and easy to use tool. There are some steps to install saidar on ubuntu machine: …

How to Create Asymmetirc Key Management Service on AWS

AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) supports asymmetric keys. We can create, manage, and use public/private key pairs to protect your application data using the new APIs via the AWS SDK. Asymmetric KMS provides public & private Key pair that can be used for encrypt & decrypt the data. Login to aws portal. Click on …