Step by Step to Setup Monitorix Monitoring Tool on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
Monitorix is a free & open-source monitoring tool. It is used for collecting the system data and using a interface to display the information. It shows the data in graphs format. Using Monitorix, we can collect system performance,network performance and file system performance information. There are few steps to setup Monitorix on ubuntu: Step 1: …
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Step by Step Procedure to Embed Payload to Android App
In this article we focus on two major ways to embed msfvenom payloads to android apps for penetration testing and ethical hacking. Msfvenom is a payload generator and encoder. It replaced both msfencode and msfpayload, taking both into one package msfvenom. To see options and syntax of msfvenom use man msfvenom or msfvenom -h. We …
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Install and Configure SFTP
SFTP(Secure File Transfer Protocol) provides a secure way for file transfer between hosts. It is FTP that runs over SSH(Secure Shell). It runs on the port number which SSH is assigned to. It can be launched either through graphical or command-line. In the article we shall focus on the command-line in Cent OS. Firstly we …
Steps to Create Amazon EKS node group on Amazon web Service (AWS)
Kubernetes is an open-source service. Basically it is used for automation deployment,& containerized applications management. It is also Known as K8s. First, we can create a Amazon EKS cluster. Amazon cluster provides to create a numbers of nodes. We can create one or more nodes into a node group. Node group is a one or …
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Step by Step to Install TICK Stack on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
TICK Stack is a collection of open source components. It helps to provide a interface for storing, visualizing and monitoring time series InfluxDB database such as metrics and events. TICK stand for Telegraf, InfluxDB, Chronograf & Kapacitor. Telegraf : It is used for collecting system metrics & send to Influxdb. InfluxDB :It is a free …
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