How to Install and update packages in terminal and GUI.

In Linux,we can install & update packages using two method:CLI mode & GUI. In CLI (terminal mode),we can use command to install & update the packages.In GUI,we can see graphics pictures to install & update the packages. Install & update the packages using CLI Update the system. apt-get update To see available updates. apt list …

How to Install & Configure latest Kernel version on ubuntu 20.04.

The kernel is the most important unit of every operating system.It is responsible for communication between computer hardware and software applications. It is responsible for managing the processes, filesystems, I/O disks. Install latest version of  Kernal Check kernal version uname -r or cat /proc/version Here is the command output. Download the script file. wget …

How to Install and configure DHCP Server on Ubuntu 20.04

DHCP is a service used to provide automatically IP Addresses to clients on a network.DHCP is used to provide IP configuration settings, such as IP address, net mask, default gateway, and DNS servers. There are two allocation method for DHCP :Manual & Automatic.In manual,the P Address is assign on the basis of the MAC Address.A …

How to Install and configure DNS on Ubuntu 20.04.

A DNS server is a system server that check a database of Ip address and clients.  It provides to resolve those names to public ip address as requested. DNS servers run software and communicate with each other using protocols. Domain Name Service (DNS) is an Internet service that contains IP addresses and fully qualified domain …

How to Configure Network with static and dhcp in Linux.

A static ip is an IP address that configured for a device instead of one provided by a DHCP server,called static because it does not change or a dynamic IP address which does change.Static IP addresses is mostly used to eliminate the network traffic associated with DHCP/DNS. A dynamic IP address is automatically assigned to …