Enable MySQL slow Query Logs in Linux
The slow query log feature is turned off by default in MySQL, so in order to turn this feature on, we need to set the slow_query_log parameter to ON Enter the MySQL shell and run the following command: set global slow_query_log = ‘ON’; Enable any other desired options. Here are some common examples: Log details for queries expected to …
Basic Usage Tar Command To Compress And Extract Files And Directories
The Linux ‘tar’ command stands for archive and is use to create Archive, compress and extract of Archived files. Tar command in Linux is one of the command which provides archiving functionality in Linux. What is an Archive file? An Archive files is a files that’s carry are one or more files along with metadata. Archive files are used to collect …
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How to Create internal load balancer on Google Cloud Platform.
Internal Load Balancing distributes traffic among internal virtual machine (VM) instances in the same region in a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) network. It enables you to run and scale your services behind an internal IP address that is accessible only to systems in the same VPC network or systems connected to your VPC network. Login …
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How to Create internet-facing load balancer on Google Cloud Platform.
Load balancing is the process of distributing traffic across your network of servers to ensure that the system does not get overwhelmed and all requests are handled easily and efficiently. An internet-facing load balancer has a publicly resolvable DNS name, so it can route requests from clients over the internet to the EC2 instances that …
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To Understand the architecture of Linux based operating systems.
Let start the learning and understand of file system. / system root directory. first major section of file system /boot boot file, kernel etc /dev contains special/device files like /dev/zero, /dev/null, /dev/tty /etc configuration files /home user home directory. For example “nitin” user will have /home/nitin, “anshika” user will have /home/anshika directory /root root user’s …
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